A Variety of Photographers

Sometimes one of our members goes on a tear and posts several pictures they recently took – like Rebecca Bowater did with all her great pics from Australia recently.  After returning from my trips (Portugal and Myrtle Beach) I was scanning all the new pics and couldn’t help but notice the variety of photographers that recently shared a photo or two (or more) with us.  Here are some of my favorites:

Let’s start with a simply gorgeous shot of a Northern Pintail shared by Birder2011.  Just look at how the color of the fall leaves reflecting on the lake is a similar color to the head of the Pintail and that the blue of the lake is the same shade of blue as the bird’s beak.  GreatBirdPic!


Bajadreamer has been on the lookout for a Spruce Grouse for several years before he found this one (his nemesis bird).  It took some skill to get the camera to focus on the bird and not on the bush in front of it.  Well done!


Anne Houle was looking through her photo archives and found this one from 2017!  No wonder she members it well – such a great shot of a White-breasted Nuthatch at her backyard feeder.


LinLark was out at Montrose Point and spotted an Orange-crowned Warbler in the mess of weeds and bushes.  Showing the bird in such an interesting background makes the picture even more special.

Keep em coming!

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