Anatomy of a GreatBirdPic 1/18/24

Once in a while I like to dive a little deeper into one of our pictures and talk about what makes it so good.  Take a look at Kaur’s picture of a Hooded Merganser taking off then see my comments below.


First of all, look at the wide frame for this image.  It captures a lot of detail in the water and the birds (shot at 1/2000th of a second, which will freeze most action).  Although it looks like empty space on the right side of the image, it allows the viewer to imagine where the bird in flight is heading.*  Note the bird on the left – at first glance it appears to be just sitting there but on closer inspection you’ll see water being pushed up in front of it.  This tells us that this bird was moving quickly (aggressively?) toward the other bird, causing it to take off.  Great job Kaur of capturing an interesting encounter between the two birds!

* There might have been some interesting water activity on the far left that might have been cropped out.  I wonder if the picture could be improved by shifting the frame a bit to the left to show more of the disturbed water.


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I like the analysis. Beautiful picture!


Thank you for your insightful analysis. I tried to attach my update picture but was unable to do.
