Berry Good Time

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I was over in the parking lot at Hidden Lake Forest Preserve when I noticed a flock of Cedar Waxwings fly into a bare tree.  From there they took turns swooping down to feast on a bush with lots of red, ripe berries on it.  As I observed (and took pictures) two other species of birds came in to gorge themselves on the succulent berries.

This Cedar Waxwing just shoved a big berry into its mouth and appears to be showing me how big it was.  Note the tongue sticking out, too.


This Cedar Waxwing twists its body around to put it in perfect position to pluck another red berry.


Another one posed nicely for me with a big red berry all set to be gulped down.


I often see Robins this time of year feasting on these bushes covered with red berries.  The Robin has just flipped up the berry into its mouth.


I usually see Juncos foraging on the ground for seeds so I was a little surprised when I saw some of them jump up into the same bush to eat some of the berries.


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