GBP Notes 11/13/20
Good Morning GreatBirdPics members!
Yesterday we were looking to get out of the condo and get some breakfast. We always consult Yelp! when dining in a new area and found Pat’s Riverside Cafe had five stars, so off we went in search of pancakes and eggs. When we arrived a Great Egret and a Snowy Egret were standing there blocking the door! They hopped back as we approached but stayed within a couple of feet of us. When the waitress came to take our order (sitting outside) I commented on them and she said, “Oh yeah, they’re here all the time. The cooks feed them raw hamburger.” I wondered aloud how they would like it and she replied, “Well, they like raw fish don’t they?” Had me there.
So I went back to the car, grabbed my camera, and took some pics of the birds hanging around Pat’s Riverside Cafe. Click on any picture to get the full view and photo information.

This Great Egret enjoyed the Scrapple our server tossed off my plate after I was done with breakfast.

This Snowy Egret sat on a post in the nearby marina and would quickly fly over if any scraps were tossed outside the diner.
There’s a chance of sun today so who knows, perhaps we’ll get our round of golf in. Have a great weekend. Happy Birding!
So how was the food? Was your dining experience 5 stars? And what river in Daytona Beach? The intercoastal?