Birds Seen Atop of the Canopy Tower Observation Deck

This is a post that includes pictures of birds observed from atop the Canopy Tower Observation Deck in Panama.  It is part of my travelogue of our nine-day birding trip to Panama.  If you would like to go to Part 2 of the travelogue which covers the sights around the Canopy Tower CLICK HERE.  If you would like to got to Part 1, which focuses on birds and sights around the Canopy Lodge  CLICK HERE.

We often went up to the observation Deck of the Canopy Tower at dawn and in the late afternoon.  The deck was high enough that we were above the canopy: any birds sitting there were seen clearly.

The male Blue Cotinga is brilliantly colored.  This female shows a tiny patch of blue beneath its wing.


The large beak on this bird earned it its name: Boat-billed Flycatcher.


This Green Honeycreeper practically glows green in the morning light.


The Palm Tanager often has a bluish color but the yellow-red of the sunrise has colored it strangely.


We saw many different and new types of Tanagers in Panama.  Somehow I wasn’t expecting to see a tanager I have often seen in Chicagoland – a Summer Tanager.  This female may have been migrating northward.


The Masked Tityra stood out from the others with its white body and bright red eyering.  A striking bird.


Although we didn’t see many different types of woodpeckers in Panama (we may have seen more species of Woodcreepers) this Black-cheeked Woodpecker was one of the most colorful.


This Cinnamon Woodpecker is a beautiful color yet its head has an odd triangular shape to it.


If you would like to return to Part 2 of the Panama Travelogue which covers the sights around the Canopy Tower CLICK HERE.  If you would like to go to Part 1, which introduces our Panama Birding trip and focuses on birds and sights around the Canopy Lodge  CLICK HERE.

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