Good Morning GreatBirdPics Members!
Today we feature pics from our great member bird photographers. Click on any image to get the full story. Enjoy!

We start off today with a sharp shot from LinLark of a Red-tailed Hawk. I love the look of flowing feathers on the legs and tail. Note the band on the leg.

Birder2011 has a great composition with the Tufted Titmouse framed by the dead leaves either side of it. Great work!

Speaking of composition, Bajadreamer has a dreamy background with the Greater Yellowlegs’ reflection. Click the image and read his story about how he got the shot.

The Common Yellowthroat is one of Bajadreamer’s favorite birds – and mine, too! I really like all the colors in this pic. Click on the image to read his story about getting this shot.
I know there are more great pics to be featured and I’ll get to them. For now enjoy you day. Happy Birding!