GBP Notes 10/5/20 – Member Pics

Good Morning GreatBirdPics Members!

Today we feature some of the pics submitted by our members.  Hope you like them.

The “Elvis” bird  Read why this one is called the “Elvis” bird in the description.

Red-bellied Woodpecker  Gurineb has captured this one at a feeder.  Look at the red on the head – it’s not a deep red.  Perhaps an immature.

Flying high  I one had a swan fly overhead and I could hear the powerful wings whooshing over me.  Have you ever seen a flock of swans flying?  Birder2011 got a great shot on an overcast day.  Beautiful!

People watcher  What a fun pic!  Birder2011 snapped this one while she was in Michigan.

Keep those pics coming.  Happy Birding!


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