He’s Back!

We returned from 10 days of birding in Costa Rica with three of our local birding buddies (MuskyMike, Birder2011, and Emil Baumbach).  What a blast!  Of course reality sets in as I now have 5,334 photos to process (I’m sure the other photographers in our group have just as many, if not more).  Soon as I get through Argentina I’ll start sharing some of my Costa Rica pics.

My old birding buddy atstienmann is also back, sharing his photos from wherever he travels (which is about everywhere).  We haven’t heard much from him lately so I was excited to see him posting more of his GreatBirdPics.

The first one is of a male Mountain Bluebird.  Don’t you think they are the bluest blue?


Contrast the above male with a female Mountain Bluebird.  It’s hard to see many similarities in the colorings there’s just a hint of blue in the wing-edge.


asteinmann wrote that he was trying and trying to get a picture of a Mountain Chickadee, and finally got one he liked.  I do, too!


The above three pictures were taken at the YMCA Camp in Estes National Park, Colorado.  It just so happed I bumped into a backpacking buddy of mine Sunday who works there 3-4 months a year.  I wonder if they ran into each other?  One more for from asteinmann, this time from South Africa from about 6 months ago.  This Crested Barbet caught a bug and is ready to gulp it down.


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