June 2024 Bird Photography Contest – Win $100!

It’s time for another GreatBirdPics Bird Photography Contest!  The best bird photographer will win $100 for their submission.  I mulled over several ideas for the contest’s topic before settling on one of my favorite types of images – a reflection shot.  I love it when someone captures a bird and their reflection in the same frame – it’s double the fun!

Starting today and going through June 24, 2024 you are invited to submit your photographs in GreatBirdPics’ Bird Reflection Contest.  XWinger and I will be the judges once again and the winner will be announced on Monday, July 1, 2024 and will receive $100.  Of course all GBP members can “influence” our decision by checking the Latest Pics section regularly and commenting on any submissions.  No strings attached – the photographer will still retain rights to the winning picture.

Q&A about the contest:

  • How many pictures can I submit? As many as you want.
  • Do the pictures have to be new or can I use ones I’ve previously shared on GreatBirdPics? New submissions only (but could have been taken before June 4, 2024).
  • How do I submit a picture?  Login to your GreatBirdPics.com account (or become a new member).  Pull down the My Account menu and select Upload Photo.

If you have any questions about the contest you can always reply to this email or enter your question at the bottom of this post in the Blog section of the website.

The reflection could be in the water, a window, a mirror, or anything that shows at least part of a bird’s reflected image.   I’ve included a couple of my pictures below – can you beat my reflection shots? Good Luck!


If you enjoy seeing beautiful pictures of birds from around the world and reading about them Click Here to sign up for our mailing list.  Members can post their own GreatBirdPics and learn more about bird photography techniques.

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Those are all great!


Thank you, I have plenty more. I get a lot of great birds right here in my backyard. I will continue to post more.
