Members Bird Photography Showcase – 5/11/21

Pretty Bird!  Pretty Bird!

So many GreatBirdPics coming in – let’s take a look!

LinLark got a great look at this Black-throated Green Warbler.  Nice and sharp, fills the frame with the bird – a GreatBirdPic!


LinLark produces another lovely picture of this White-crowned Sparrow.  We don’t see them that often here but when we do we take pictures of them!


Of all the pictures of this same Ruff this one is perhaps the best lit one – looks like asteinman got there early before the sun went behind the pond the bird was foraging in.  Good timing!


Was he in his kayak when he took it?  Low to the ground, the bank behind the Spotted Sandpiper – it could be.  Thanks KayakingNc!

Stay Safe.  Go Birding.  Take Pics.  Post Here.  Repeat


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