Member’s Bird Photography Showcase – 8/11/21

Pretty Bird!  Pretty Bird!

Once in a while we get several great pics submitted by different people at the same time.  I was really impressed with these, which were all added to the site within a day or two.

The other day I shared a picture of a Common Yellowthroat on a wildflower from Birder2011.  Well here’s a followup.


Next thing I know I’m looking at a picture of a Black-headed Grosbeak from Emil Baumbach.  He sent me a picture of the setting and it looked pretty far away so this really turned out well considering.


The very next picture submitted was from LinLark of a Black and White Warbler.  Great shot!


Then the next one was of this House Wren taking a dust bath.  Great opportunity and John Weisgerber took advantage of it.


The last one in the series was of this Lazuli Bunting by Emil again.  What colors!  Have you noticed that he always has a creamy background?  He must carefully pick his shot angle with a narrow depth of field.


I think that was pretty amazing – five great shots in a row.  There are lots more where these came from.  Check the Latest Pics section.

Stay Safe.  Go Birding.  Take Pics.  Share Here.  Repeat.


If you would like to learn more about CLICK HERE.  Members can post their Great Bird Pics here, communicate with other members, and receive regular emails about bird photography.

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