Member’s Bird Photography Showcase 9/28/21

Pretty Bird!  Pretty Bird!

Here we are again with another look at some of our member’s submissions.  I think you’ll like these:

Up first in LinLark with a Swamp Sparrow.  I appreciate the fact that she usually puts some information about the species in with her description – in this case that they have long legs to wade through the water in the swamp.


Emil Baumbach likes closeups of the head and we appreciate that!  Here he zooms in on a Sandhill Crane for our viewing pleasure.


Emil Baumbach travels around to get great pics.  I’ve written several times about Monty and Rose, the famous breeding pair of Piping Plovers at Montrose Beach.  Emil located one of their chicks, Imani, at a nearby beach before it migrated south.  Notice the silver band on the left leg of Imani – that’s how they knew who it was.

Our New Zealand Naturalist Rebecca was in the United States in 2014 where she saw an American Bittern.  I’ve lived here my entire life and have only seen one Bittern and didn’t get a decent picture of it.  It’s not fair!


Stay Safe.  Go Birding.  Take Pics. Share Here.  Repeat.


If you’d like to learn more about CLICK HERE.  Members can post their own Great Bird Pics, create an online gallery of their pics, and receive regular emails about bird photography.

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