Mike’s Monday Pic – 11/28/22

One of Twenty-four Hundred

I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving.  For the first time since I can remember (more than 60 years) we didn’t have a traditional Thanksgiving dinner with family.  We went on a Field Guides’ birding trip to Jamaica, where on Thanksgiving Day I had curried goat for supper.  It was very tender and tasty but it was no turkey smothered with gravy with green bean casserole.

We just got back from Jamaica late Saturday night and Sunday was spent cleaning up all the little things that pile up when you are gone for awhile.  I finally had a minute to work on my 2,400 Jamaica bird photos a little bit around 9:30 PM so I thought I would share one from Day 1 in Jamaica.  Below is a Zenaida Dove, a common dove in the region and it was seen regularly on the grounds of the inn we stayed at prior to the start of the bird trip itself.  More pics of the Jamaican birds to come (did I ever finish sharing the Ireland bird pics?).

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