Mike’s Monday Pics – 11/1/21


Welcome to November!  Not much cause for celebration here in the U.S. midwest as the days are getting shorter and grayer.  For birders it’s the “shoulder” season – most of the fall migratory birds have moved on and most of the winter migrants (mostly waterfowl) have yet to arrive.

Today a collection of random pics I’ve taken lately.  First off a guessing game. Take a look at the two pictures below and see if you can ID the species*.


Recently while birding downtown at Montrose Point we heard a commotion from a group of crows above our heads.  Looking up we saw four crows squawking at and dive bombing a Red-tailed Hawk.  They were trying to drive the hawk away but the hawk seemed pretty unperturbed.


We’ll wrap up today with an Artsy-Fartsy pic. Many times a backlit photo doesn’t turn out.  The glare of the sun behind a subject washes out all detail of the bird.  In this case I took the backlit pic of a Turkey Vulture and played with it in Lightroom, adjusting the contrast, vignette, and color settings to produce this shot.


* Immature Red-headed Woodpecker

Stay Safe.  Go Birding.  Take Pics.  Share Here.  Repeat.  


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