Mike’s Monday Pics – 7/24/23

I love it when I get a shot of a bird eating.  I have photographed most of the bird species in my area when they are perched or swimming.  To find one in the act of eating is rare so to get a picture of it in the act is rather special.  I went through some of my pics and selected a few I wanted to share with you.

Our first pic is of a female Red-winged Blackbird with a bug in her mouth.  I’ve seen the them eat bugs and seeds – the bugs are more interesting.


Speaking of bugs, here’s a Red-headed Woodpecker with what looks like a couple of spiders in its beak.


Squeamish from the bugs?  How about some Sushi for a Green Heron?


Remember the Western Tanager we had in western Chicagoland a couple of years ago.  Several of us went out there and submitted pictures of it here.  This is a shot of it eating a plump red berry.


Seeds are good, too.  Here’s a female Rose-breasted Grosbeak munching on some seeds she found by the side of the trail.


Well I don’t know about you, but I’m getting hungry!


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