Mike’s Monday Pics – on Tuesday

Our Family Calendar.2

Yesterday I shared about how I create a family calendar for each of our relatives and posted the pictures I used for the first six months of the calendar.  Today I present the July – December pics I used.

(Spoiler Alert for Warner/Bekker family members – this post contains pictures from your calendar for next year.  Don’t view if you want to be surprised)


July – Wood Duck from North Pond, Chicago


August – Ruby-throated Hummingbird from Holland State Park, Holland, Michigan


September – Least Bittern from Behind the COSTCO in Orland Park, IL


October – American Goldfinch from Elsen’s Woods, Winfield, IL


November – Northern Shoveler from Springbrook Forest Preserve, Naperville, IL


December – Cedar Waxwing from Danada West Forest Preserve, Wheaton, IL


Do you put out a family calendar each year?  If so, share some of the pictures you included and what service you use to print them.

Stay safe.  Go birding.  Take pics.  Share here.  Repeat.


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Yes every year for the past few years! I use Snapfish – they usually run a great deal in late November. I also do one with just warblers, and this year I did one with other wildlife!
