More Catching Up

In the words of some famous birder, “The more I look, the more I see”.  Here are some additional GreatBirdPics that caught my eye:

Are there some birds that you have trouble getting a good shot of?  The Belted Kingfisher is one of mine.  JamesD says he has a tough time getting shots of Red-headed Woodpeckers.  Here’s one that’s pretty good, although from down below.


While looking at the above shot I spotted this one from JamesD, too.  How is that Red-bellied Woodpecker going to eat that thing?


Oh, what the heck.  JamesD went to all that trouble to share a bunch of his GreatBirdPics we might as well enjoy them.  At least he figured out how to get a great shot of a Red-headed Woodpecker!


Let’s move on from JamesD’s pics – after this one of a Tufted Titmouse, a fan favorite.


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