Many-colored Rush Tyrant

Tough bird to photograph; never got “the shot”

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This bird, a Many-colored Rush Tyrant (“siete colores or 7-colors in Spanish) was one of my target birds on a recent trip to Peru. This guy is super hard to photograph. Small, constantly moving, lives deep in the rushes along fresh water wetlands, but most of all, when it moves it likes to remain low, either on the ground or at the base of the rushes. It is usually dark as they are only active during dawn and dusk hours. To complicate it more, you have to shoot from a boat. Although I did get a number of shots, I did not get “the shot”. I guess that is the reason we keep going back to locations time and again.
They inhabit a relatively narrow range along the Pacific coast of Peru. They are often heard, but not seen.

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Mike Warner

Congrats on the Rush Tyrant pic – sounds like you had to work for it. Makes it all the more special.


Pretty good photo to me! Thanks for sharing!
