Snow Bunting

Lunch on the Beach

Viewed 47 Times

Although it’s a little early in the season to be thinking of Snow Buntings in Chicago, this is my favorite shot from the day last November when I first heard of Great Bird Pics as I observed a small flock of buntings at Montrose Point with a congenial group of birders. So, it seemed like a good photo for my first post to Great Bird Pics. This bunting, feathers fluffed against the cool breeze, had found a protected spot at the base of a small sand dune for its leisurely lunch, unperturbed by its human audience. Hopefully, these delightful birds will be returning again soon.

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Emil Baumbach
Emil Baumbach

Welcome Russ! Yes we had a fun group last fall photographing the Buntings. Nice shot of this bird snacking away on some seeds. I look forward to seeing more of your shots.
Good Birding!


Say cheese!

Burning Nature photography
Burning Nature photography

Great shot Russ,, one of my favorite birds to photograph when the colder weather arrives.
