Golden-rumped Euphonia

No substitute for local knowledge

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There is no substitute for local knowledge. This image of a Golden-rumped Euphonia was taken at Puembo Bird Garden near Quito, Ecuador. I had this bird on my “must see” list for a number of years and told the owner of the lodge, Mercedes Rivadeneira, that I really wanted to see and photograph one. She said, no problem; at 4:00 PM we will walk to the end of the road where there is a large Mistletoe growth. Sure enough, at 4:00 PM, we go down the road and there this bird was. By the way, if you ever decide to go to Ecuador, this lodge is very close to the airport and makes a great coming from or going to the airport stop. You can start your trip off with 20 or more great birds, many at point blank range. Mercedes is terrific as a guide, hostess and cook. Highly recommend it.

Not only is this a beautiful bird, but the Black-eyed Susans in the background add to the shot (at least IMO).

Shot with a Canon R7, 100-500 lens (at 500), handheld. f/7.1, 1/500, ISO 1600. Cropped from L and bottom to remove some branches.

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Thai is a gorgeous bird.
