Masked Trogon

Amazing what modern cameras can do in low light

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This picture of a Masked Trogon was taken at Sachamatia Lodge outside of Mindo, Ecuador. The lodge has a moth blind (a piece of white canvas stretched between two poles with light shining on it that stays on all night). Early in the morning (in just barely gray light) many birds come to eat the moths that have collected all night. This is one of those birds. This image was taken with a Canon R5, 600 mm II lens off a tripod. SS was 1/6 second (not a typo), f/5.6 (a mistake on my part-should have been f/4.0) and ISO of 10,000. Processed in DXO Pure Raw, edited in PS (small crop from L and bottom), a piece of wire was cloned out on L and the BG was brought down slightly. Finally it was run through Topaz DeNoise AI at Low Light settings. Would never have dreamed of this shot 5 years ago with my first 70D Canon camera.

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BurningnaturephotographyEmil BaumbachBajadreamerMike Warner Recent comment authors
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Mike Warner

The Trogon pic turned out stunning! Thanks for including all your post-processing info. I’ve not heard of a moth blind before – what an interesting way to attract birds! I’ve gotta share this in a future GBP Notes!

Emil Baumbach
Emil Baumbach

Amazing shot Bajadreamer. Quite a stunning bird.

Burning Nature photography
Burning Nature photography

Very nice shot. Love the colors
