Ross's Gull

Ross’s Gull

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You want to get the birder’s world in a frenzy? Have a mega bird in your area. This Ross’s Gull did just a good way. A local birder, with a sharp eye, saw this Gull on a Saturday morning along the lake shore of Lake Michigan in Chicago. This gull is usually way up in the Arctic, but for some reason decided to fly south. After Saturday, which I wasn’t able to get to the city, he disappeared for a couple days. Luckily, he was relocated in the same area on Tuesday, so I drove down to catch this gull. Unfortunately, he didn’t stick around that day and I , along with many other birders went home without a Lifer. Wednesday another report came in that he was seen flying in again the same area. Another try to get a Mega Lifer. The sun was out, no wind, and by golly, this gull was swimming right along the shoreline eating. YAY!!! This time, many birders went home with an incredible new bird on their life list.

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warnerkBurningnaturephotography Recent comment authors
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Burning Nature photography
Burning Nature photography

Nice shot of this wonderful gull. I heard it was quite the spectacle and seen by many.. Of course it shows up when I leave the Illinois area!! LOL.


Great photo and sounds like a fun day.
