Olive-crowned Yellowthroat

Do you have a preference?

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Way behind on my photo processing. Just starting the images from our Costa Rica trip last November. These shots are two views of the same bird. Do you have a preference? When the first image was taken, he (Olive-crowned Yellowthroat) was singing in response to a play back from our guide, Chambita. The bird was looking directly at us providing an engaging image, but with DOF problems. After the initial recording was played, the bird continued to sing on his own for 60 seconds. The back ground was pretty “busy” with a lot of sticks and leaves (this was in the rainforest after all), so I applied a selective blur to the BG. Otherwise the images were processed in PS with the BG slightly darkened and the bird slightly brightened.

I have a “weakness” for yellow birds. My favorite color!

Taken with a Canon R5, 600 mm f/4.0 lens off a tripod from a boat at Cano Negro, Costa Rica.

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I like this one best


I like them both, but maybe this one the best. I think the leaves are interesting with the bird. At first I was going to pick the first one because I love side views. Love the pictures.
