Collared Aracari

One of the iconic rain forest birds

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When most people go to the subtropical rain forest to look at/for birds, one family that is usually high on the list are Toucans. Iconic birds of the jungle, there are many different species ranging greatly in size and color. They all have the distinctive large beak and all of them have similar behaviors, which can only be described as “playful”. One of their most endearing behaviors is grasping a berry or piece of fruit in the tip of their beaks, tossing their heads back, throwing the berry into the air and then catching and swallowing it. This is often considered “The Shot” when you are photographing them. In Costa Rica, I know of no better place to photograph them than Laguna del Lagarto Eco Lodge in the northern Caribbean lowlands. Four different species can be photographed literally from your breakfast table.
This is one of the smaller members of the family, a Collared Aracari. I missed the true money shot but still captured some of the action.
Cropped from L and bottom. Small amount of canvas added at top. BG darkened and blurred slightly.

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Mike Warner

I really appreciate all the great shots you have been sharing recently, and very much enjoy (and learn from) your accompanying comments. Wonderful shot of the Acarcari.
