
Who cares about dying, I got the shot.

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This was the chant of about 20 birders who were standing on the edge of route 49 at Horicon Marsh. With a 65 MPH speed limit, big rigs were flying at our group and rarely slowed down as they passed by. I told myself, is this worth it? Since I’m still alive I guess the answer is yes, but it was not a smart move. What were we risking our lives for? A rare Limpkin showed up and was feeding along a willow patch in the marsh. High grasses were in front of us and getting a clear view was nearly impossible. But everyone found their own tiny window and when the bird popped out to grab a giant snail the shutters went off and everyone was in disbelief. The lighting wasn’t right but so what. This was a wonderful shared experience and I’m happy with the shot I got.

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Mike Warner

Been there, done that. Roadside birding can be dangerous. Glad you were safe and got a great shot of the Limpkin. Finding them more and more up north.
