Brown-hooded Parrot

Often I recognize the perch

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There are many lodges in the countries we visit regularly that cater to bird and nature photographers. Among the many things these lodges provide are feeding stations to attract birds, attractive perches to take pleasing images of the birds, and backgrounds that complement the birds. Birds such as this, a Brown-hooded Parrot, are not rare, but they are difficult to see in most places because they tend to spend most of their time high in the canopy of the rain forest. At Laguna del Lagarto Lodge in northern Costa Rica these birds are commonly seen on the grounds. In fact, I can often look at a photograph that was taken by someone else and recognize the perch or setting in the image. Probably 90% of the images of this species of Parrot that you see on FB, Instagram, or other popular media are taken at this lodge.
This does not detract from the beauty of the bird or the setting. Deb and I are returning this lodge in November of this year to introduce one of our grand daughters to the joys of Costa Rica.
Taken with a Canon R5, 600 f/4.0 lens at SS 1/2500, ISO of 1000, and f/8.0 with EC of -.7. Cropped from R and bottom for composition.

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Mike Warner

That is a gorgeous picture of the Brown-headed Parrot! Yes, the feeders help attract the birds but it still takes some skill to capture the beauty of the bird as you have. Thanks again for your informative comments that accompany your pictures.


Great looking bird!


Beautiful picture. I put this lodge on a list of places we need to go.

Rebecca Bowater
Rebecca Bowater

Bajadreamer I recommend this lodge in Costa Rica highly, I was there in 2020 and loved it, best birding lodge there.
