Sooty-capped Chlorospingus

Not all birds have to be spectacular to be appealing

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This is a common bird of Central America. A Sooty-capped Chlorospingus (used to be a Sooty-capped Brush-Finch), it has some color, but compared to other tropical birds found in this environment, it a “plain” bird. Difficult to get an image in the open, it likes low shrubbery like this. I decided to crop this fairly loosely even though the BG is pretty busy.
Processed in PS, BG slightly down, white highlights diminished with Clone Stamp set at 15% opacity.
I like the expression and head angle of this bird.

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Mike Warner

Maybe the Sooty-capped is plain for CR but if one were in my backyard it would certainly stand out. I agree, the pose is great.
