Bare-throated Tiger-Heron

Another “hand of man” image

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Normally I do not like to take pictures of birds with “human” structures in the image, but sometimes it is difficult to avoid. This picture of a Bare-throated Tiger-Heron is one of those. I have many images of this bird, a fairly common one in Costa Rica, but I like this one for the light (literally at dawn, the bird’s proximity (I took this shot at a range of about 10 meters), and the subsequent detail of the feather pattern. Taken with a Canon R5, 600 mm f/4.0 lens, SS 1/1000, f/8.0 (to get more DOF), ISO 8000, EC of -.0.3, handheld. Processed in PS and then a final run through Topaz DeNoise. Taken at El Sitio Hotel in Liberia.

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Mike Warner

I love the detail on the Tiger Heron. It looks quite comfortable on the railing.
