Golden-collared Manakin

Golden Dancer

Viewed 6 Times

Certainly one of the more entertaining families of birds we encounter are Manakins. Colorful, animated, relatively common, these guys have a lot going for themselves. This is a Golden-collared Manakin; we saw and photographed him in western Panama. Often these birds are seen at leks which are areas where the male birds come to dance to try to attract the attention of the females. Their dances can be quite involved with “moonwalking”, jumping, and even using “wingmen” to help them win the attention of the girls.
This image was taken with an R5, 100-500 mm lens at 500 mm, f/7.1, SS 1/320 and ISO 3200.
Processed in PS, bird brought up and BG brought down. Distracting branches were removed in L upper corner.

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Mike Warner

Such a great picture of the GC Manakin! I love the position of the bird in the frame – well done. GreatBirdPic!
