A magical evening watching several Short-eared Owls hunting in a large farm field. They were pretty far away and moving fast so I was lucky to get a few shots that weren’t completely blurred. A lifer to boot.
Country United States
State Illinois
Location Brunner Family Farm
Gender Unknown
Age Adult
Activity BIF (Bird in Flight), Feeding in the Wild
- Created Timestamp12/08/2023 20:57:48
- CameraDSC-RX10M4
- Aperture4
- Focal Length219.82
- Iso100
- Shutter Speed1/640
- Orientation1
Great shot of the Short-eared Owl! I am planning to get up to Brunner Farm soon and try to get some shots of them.
Thanks! There were at least 4 of them flying around. It was a great spot to view them, and it seems they come out every afternoon without fail.
Nice shot Lin. That’s a fun spot to view them.