This is another image where sand is used to obscure a portion of a shorebird, though in this case, less of the bird is obscured. on this windy day, blowing sand in front of and behind this bird completely covers the bird’s legs and washes out the background of the image.
Country United States
State Illinois
Location Montrose Point
Gender Unknown
Age Adult
Activity In or By Water
Rare (For the Location)? Yes
Artsy-Fartsy Yes
- Created Timestamp08/05/2023 11:44:38
- CameraNIKON Z 9
- Aperture5.6
- CreditGraham Deese
- CopyrightGraham Deese, all rights reserved
- Focal Length500
- Iso1600
- Shutter Speed1/500
I like the effect of the Buff-breasted SP in the dunes! I can feel the wind.