Crested Owl

Watching you

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The goal of most bird photographers is to take an image that is representative of the species of bird they are photographing. Usually this means getting the entire bird, or at least the most important parts of the bird, in the frame. If the bird is doing something (feeding, flying, fighting, etc), all the better. Sometimes though, getting the entire bird in the image is not possible. This bird, a Crested Owl, was photographed near Canopy Tower in Panama. The pair (there is another one to the left) roosts in approximately the same place every day, so finding them is not difficult. The problem is they like to roost far back in the trees and brush (to avoid harassment from small birds) so getting a clear shot of them is difficult to say the least. This was the best I could do. Processed in PS with facial shadows brought up. Cropped to square aspect to emphasize the view of the face.

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Mike Warner

A great image of the Crested Owl! Even though it was buried far back you were able to get a crisp, clean shot of the head. Well done!
