American Coot

Nuisance bird

Viewed 7 Times

American Coots are very common (everywhere) and most people consider them nuisance birds. From a photography point of view, they are pretty bland. Usually when I photograph them, I try to capture one or more of three things-the red eye, the great feet, or action (they fight a lot among themselves). This image captures none of the above very well, but the bird is sitting on one of my favorite perches at Santee Lakes, so I had to push the shutter. Shot with Canon R5, 100-500 mm lens + a 1.4 extender at 700 mm. SS 1/1000, F/10.0, ISO 2500, EC of -.7 (to prevent blowing out the highlights on the beak). Processed in PS, with bird being brought up and warmed up slightly and BG being brought down. Saturation of eye and legs brought up and few specular highlights in BG cloned out.

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