Great Gray Owl

Great Gray Owl

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It was great to get back to Sax Zim Bog near Duluth Minnesota. This was my 6th trip and it never seems to get old. The weather was pretty mild, considering, and very grey. I think I saw the sun for 5 minutes on a 4 day trip. What makes the trip exciting is the chance to photograph the Great Gray Owl (GGO). The GGO hunts during the day, which makes it convenient and better odds of seeing one. This GGO was along the road, sitting midway up a tree, waiting and listening for a vole. GGO can hear rodents up to 100 yards. He/She sat in the tree for about 30 minutes, turning his/her head this way and that way, listening for any rodents scurrying under the snow. He finally dove to the ground, found a meal, gulped it down, and flew further in the woods. An amazing experience to see nature in action.
It looks like I adjusted the photo to look black and white, but that’s how the weather was. At least the eyes are in color.

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Emil Baumbach
Emil Baumbach

Such an impressive bird. Beautiful shot Bonnie.
