Green Heron


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I have a lagoon (at least the village calls it a lagoon) near my home that I like to walk around. This particular morning as I began my walk around the lagoon, I noticed 4 immature Green Herons sitting on a log. Since I didn’t have my camera with me, I made a bee line back to the house to grab my camera, By the time I got back, the Herons had moved, but not too far. Two were still on the log, while the other two were near by. For the next hour and a half I watched the youngster hunt, preen, climb a tree and even squabble with hear other. One of the parents flew in to check on them.
This time, I brought my tripod, something I don’t use that often. but since I figured I would mostly be stationary, I decided to use it. I’m glad I did. I was able to use a lower shutter speed and take some decent video without any shaking. An hour and a half well spent.

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Mike Warner

GreatBirdPics of the young Green Herons! Love them all, but really love the reflection shot. Time well spent.
