Rerun From Two Years Ago

I’m not able to create new posts right now but I thought you might like this one from exactly two years ago.

Are you ready for the weekend?  As the weather improves, it brings more opportunities to get out there and see some birds.  Our members have seen, and photographed some wonderful birds.

Osprey60 gets us ready for warbler season with this glorious pic of a Bay-Breasted Warbler in all its breeding plumage glory!


We bumped into John Weisgerber on the birding trail yesterday and didn’t even realize it (darn masks)!  Sorry about that, John.  If I had recognized him I would have told him that I liked his Pied-billed Grebe picture:


And I would have told him what an interesting shot of the Horned Grebe with its big feet he took:


Many birders in the area chased a rare Yellow-crowned Night Heron in downtown Chicago.  I bet nobody got better pictures of it than our own Emil Baumbach!

Now got out there and find some birds this weekend!


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