Travel With A GBP Member

One of our GreatBirdPics members has signed up for a birding trips and has extended an invitation to others to join him.  Here is the invite:

HXQAJCW (a.k. John Weisgerber) shared the following –  “Not sure if you know others that have a desire to bird in Ecuador.  I met Ryan (the group leader) on a birding day trip in Colorado with my wife. He did such a great job that I signed up for this trip with my two sons.”

Dates: October 1st to the 11th.

Destinations are:
Start in Quito for 2 days
Transfer to El Chaco for 3 days
Transfer to Papallacta for 1 day
Then 3 days in Mindo
Return to Quito for departure 1.5 days

Price varies on number of participants and is based on double occupancy. This does not included flight, travel  insurance or misc. personal costs – 5 participants   $2900pp.

Contact is Ryan Dibala.  Email  860-455-3224

Unfortunately Karen and I signed up for a trip to Ecuador next January, but contact Ryan if you would like to learn more.

GreatBirdPics is sharing this information as a public service and is not responsible for the trip.


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