Welcome MuskyMike!

I always enjoy seeing pictures shared by our newest members – it’s such a treat to see where they have been and what birds they are capturing.  A big GreatBirdPic welcome to MuskyMike, who is one of our Birding Buddies and a darn good photographer (just ask him)!  He signed up just a couple of days ago and he’s already posting some GreatBirdPics.  Here are a few of his he took in California last spring.

This shot of a Long-billed Curlew has a lot of interesting features including the ocean foam in the background, a colorful body, and some bits of a reflection in the water.  Well done!


Just take a moment to look at MuskyMike’s shot of a California Quail.  Such a beautiful background with the broken stalks of the plant right behind the bird and the creamy greens and tans across the rear.  Even the muted colors on the bird are sublime.  Wonderful!


My favorite shot from MuskyMike is this Anna’s Hummingbird.  Great detail can be seen from top to bottom – it almost looks like it’s in 3-D.  Extraordinary Shot!


Be forewarned – MuskyMike has entered some of his shots in the Obscured Bird contest. The competition just got tougher!


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