What’s Wrong With These Pictures 2.0

What’s Wrong With These Pictures? 2.0

Today we continue our focus on the quality of bird photographs.  I am still working on a multi-part series on how to improve your bird photographs so in the mean time here are a couple that have a flaw which reduced the quality. (None of these pics have been loaded into GreatBirdPics so clicking on them won’t take you to their Individual Page).

We’ll start off with this Field Sparrow.  What takes away from the quality of the pic?

How about this Red-bellied Woodpecker pic?  How could it be improved?

Here are a pair of Buffleheads.  What could I have done to make it a better picture?

Here’s an easy one – why isn’t this a GreatBirdPic?

Finally, in honor of his birthday tomorrow, this pic submitted by my little brother XWinger (Mark).  Happy Birthday!  You can actually click on this one because he was instrumental in providing feedback and encouragement as I developed the website – and I love his sense of humor!

Answers next week.  Until then have a great weekend.

Stay Safe.  Go Birding.  Take Pics.  Post Here.  Repeat.


If you would like to learn more about GreatBirdPics.com click HERE.  Members can post their own GreatBirdPIcs, communicate with other members, and receive regular emails about bird photography.

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The problem you are having with my photo is that you didn’t take it. Jealousy.
This is a well done turkey. You’d be lucky to have a turkey so well done.
This photo is the finest example of ocellated turkey photo that you have. The only one you have.
Maybe if I was being hypercritical, I could have done a better job of eliminating or blurring the background.
And thank you for the birthday wishes.
