Chile BIFs

Continuing my reports on our February, 2024 Field Guides’ birding trip Birds and Wines of Chile and Argentina.

Our final day on our trip was spent along the coast of Chile, north of where we were staying at Viña de Mar.  It was a gray, overcast day but that didn’t prevent the birds from flying around us as we explored the rocky shoreline.  Some new birds were flying back and forth and I took some BIF shots as they passed by.  This Surfbird was flying around the rocks and kelp.  The Surfbird can be found all along the Pacific coast of North and South America, ranging from northern Alaska to Tierra del Fuego which is the very southernmost tip of Chile.


Did I ever tell you about the time (before I knew anything about birds) that I saw a guy wearing one of those plastic bracelets that read, “I love boobies”?  I approached him and said I thought that was disrespectful to women.  He patiently explained that boobies are a type of bird found in that area.  I placed my foot in my mouth and went away.  Since then I’ve had the opportunity to see lots of Boobies, particularly in the Galapagos Islands.  We were fortunate enough to have Peruvian Boobies flying past us in Chile.


The Kelp Gull was one of the most frequently seen gulls in Chile.  A large gull with a black back, which reminded me of our Greater Black-backed Gull.  Here’s a shot of one as it flew past with a starfish in its bill, presumably for a snack.


A new one for me was the Blackish Oystercatcher.  Not black – blackish.  Here one approaches the coast for a landing.


Peru sits on the Pacific coast just above Chile.  Here, a Peruvian Pelican glides past just above the sea.  Beautiful colors in the head and bill.


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