Members’ Bird Photography Showcase – 9/28/23

Our GBP members sure do get around!  Here are some pictures they’ve recently shared:

Osprey60 was off to Pea Island North Carolina (the Outer Banks) to get the wonderful ground-level shot of a Least Tern.  Love the blurred foreground to set off the bird.


Osprey60 then went up to New Hampshire to capture this scruffy looking Red-breasted Nuthatch.  It takes some skill to have the camera focus through a small opening in the foliage.


Birder2011 was in Grand Tetons National Park and was surprised to fine a Pine Siskin there eating thistle seeds.  She overcame her surprise and took a GreatBirdPic!


Birdygirl was in Algoma, Wisconsin when she got this shot of an immature Bald Eagle taking off from a river bed.  Nice action shot!


Our last pic comes to us from Rebecca Bowater’s backyard garden in Nelson, New Zealand!  Great shot of a Common Chaffinch!

If you enjoy seeing beautiful pictures of birds from around the world and reading about them Click Here to sign up for our mailing list.  Members can post their own GreatBirdPics and learn more about bird photography techniques.

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